Sunday, March 03, 2013

The Truth of the Matter

                                              The Truth of the Matter is…



It is an alien word, truth. We use it in every sentence without really understanding its meaning. We speak the truth and even walk it like a pet in every action we pursue. We want it in every interaction between the world and us yet we rarely ever live it. This is normal though, as far as living breathing human beings go, we simply take it for granted that the truth will be told us every time we swipe the card or write the check. It is not even an afterthought as we purchase our way through life. But the paper trail tells another story if we have the courage to trace it and see that the underlying current leads to the largest of lies, truth be told.


In a roundabout way I hope to uncover some of the motives behind the buying and selling of goods. Now, some goods are necessary and some are not. Those that are necessary help and develop our fallen human nature…food, clothing, and a present for a friend. But others it must be agreed upon are superfluous and need not exist- fashion, high heeled shoes, Niemen Marcus in general. With every retailer vying for your attention, it is hard to stay your course, live within your means, yet within every transaction there stands the son of man believe it or not.


And he asks you to spend well. In fact he commands you to work for the fruit that lasts. You may call it the product of limited experience, but seems to me that last years fashion is bound for the thrift store as soon as this year’s fashion can replace it. What worth is that expense to you now?


But consider this. A can of food triples in size when the whole church is involved. Meat feeds thousands when thousands give even just a little bit back. For the many blessings we receive we should give back a hundredfold. Trust me, we need not give the farm, just your part. Many parts make a whole as has been written, but without you we are lost. There is a food pantry at your church for a reason and that reason is hungry, in more ways than one. Every time we feed the hungry the hungry are feeding upon us, looking for the truth, searching for reason, reason enough for us to feed them the very body and blood of Jesus himself. When all organs in the body of Christ work together then the world can be transformed. Will we do it though, that is the question. Will we forgo the perfect gift for the ultimate gift- will we trade in those high heels for the want of a brother in Christ?

It is our choice to do with our money and time what we want, but the want of another is the choice that is laid upon us. It is the truth of Christmas that it truly is a gift, and one worth receiving.

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