Sunday, March 03, 2013

The Great Dialouge of Faith

                                                 The Great Dialogue of Faith


It is truly a travesty to be at odds with one another in an already divisive culture where television dictates what to believe and what to consume and politicians gyrate in impossible poses promising things that can only come about through your hard earned dollar.


Enter the apologia. The term is Greek and means simply defense. Defense of your faith to be exact. It is an ancient term and one pregnant with meaning. It never fights, but it admonishes and leads to thoughts you may have or have not had before entering into the great dialogue. And sometimes this means saying things that are hard for the other to digest. You may even meet resistance but what is a little resistance for those trying to reach the truth of a thing, even more so when it hurts?


Truth hurts. Truth defines as steel sharpens steel and this is the point where the great conversation begins; in truth.


Truth is never easy and easy is the lie. Is anything worth knowing in your life easy and if it were, would you respect it? We all agree that work is hard and working at the truth is not an easy task either. Sometimes it means the severing of relationships if even for a brief moment until the reparation. And thank God for that reparation otherwise we might not be able to go on.


Faith then, truth- what you believe- have been taught, and ascribe to. Different from me I suppose with an educated guess and that makes us less opposed than you might think.


For we have the one thing in common that the common man knows nothing about. We have a system of belief that makes sense of this world that has become senseless. We have the extra-added knowledge of salvation that many do not. And we exploit it, this power, invoke it like the gods of old and we have come to rely upon it like Jesus himself in the desert for forty days as he invoked the power of his father. We have the Holy Spirit, you and I. And it is enough for us.


It matters little if no one understands you when it comes to this faith. I understand myself half the time it takes to misunderstand others, but no matter. I exist. I have the faith it takes to wake up and face the day. And without that faith I may never wake up. So I win either way. I just happen to choose to wake up and that, in my opinion, is an act of faith. You can sleep when you’re dead, but not yet- not yet.



There is only one God, Father All-Mighty, one Author of a great and noble truth and we his children are caught between camps, leaning this way and that. Were there but one faith! One creed, one apostolic mission. If there were such a thing then that ominous world would slip away and be re-created in the image of its Father. And that is the goal of the apologia. To start that conversation, ask the hard questions and dialogue on the truth of things. If we stop, then we are gasping our last.


And I for one am not ready to give in.


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