Sunday, March 03, 2013

On The Necessary Aspect of Being

                                      On The Necessary Aspect of Being



There is one thing necessary that exists as a whole without which we as humans cannot exist.

That one thing is God himself and within Himself he has no need of our existence. In other words, you need not be here. Sobering thought, but like all good thoughts, this one has a happy ending. You are anyway.


So suffice it to say that because of your very existence, it logically corresponds that you have a distinct and definite purpose. Most likely not the one you were told to give to the world in high school. God forbid. Might I ask what you knew in high school that propelled that teacher to make such a quip? Doubtful that it was genius, and if it was, that changed after your first major was complete. Dare call me wrong but I have to assume that most of what you know was learned in the field of hard knocks, on the job training and piecing things together that had no bearing upon your education. Call me cynical and I would agree. I am- cynical.


Because I do not believe that anything in life is neither happenstance nor do I believe that this is all and the very sum of you’re education- or mine. I believe it is life in the making and there is oh so much more of it than you  (or I) tend to make of it.


That which I seek is purpose. And I propose to offer a few suggestions as to how to go about getting one. One; seek. Seek out the old and in doing so we find that it was once new and somehow relates itself to the Garden of Eden when once this was new as well. And yet it was old, as old as time itself what with all the entails of a life well lived with the ancients before the fall.


Know; know that God in all His goodness once loved you before the fall and loves you even more than this since becoming fallen. Why? Ask Him, he knows you better than I. I’ve even yet to meet you.


Fall: seven times a day. But pick yourself up and be prepared to fall again. Nothing worth trying is ever not worth falling for. Just think of your wife. You fall seven times seventy times a day for her. Why not for God?


Have faith, but not the myopic vision that wants to believe that everything will be all right because you tow the line. I speak rather of that belief that tells me everything is going to be all wrong because it flies in the face of the fashion of our time. Doing God’s will got all the prophets killed. Do you see it now? Are you ready for the cross? No, no one is. Be ready anyway.


In the end it really is about relationships. You and I, us and Christ, you and the world. But I would rather see one of us make it and I rather it be you. I fall those seventy times seven times everyday, you though, shouldn’t have too. Make it a rather boring day tomorrow and get up to plow the horse. The entrance to heaven is populated with folk just like us.



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