Sunday, March 03, 2013

on the Art of Insanty and the Sanity of Art

                                 On the art of Insanity and the sanity of Art



It should be written on the pages of every textbook that the art of sanity appears between the pages of your very ordinary textbook, that the creative reason behind those words succumbs to the visceral and is known beyond the realm of reason. In fact then, at that point, sanity reigns.


For should it ever be known that the factors that play into this life become the reason that reason doubts, lest it be called insane. We as knowing beings profess that in this case, fairy tales do exist.


And why? For the very fact that unicorns are so much more a point of our conscience than congress. For the fact that elves peopled the land long before the senate holds a truer state of being than do those judges that make them seem trivial. For the fact that fairies hold much more sway in our hearts than do officials with their everyday facts and opinions -for the very fact that facts exist, but not to everyone in the same way. Herein lies the question as it is; based upon the facts.

The fact is, unicorns and faeries do exist, if only in the minds eye and yet without them, we cannot exist, as people in need of some repose. To deny either is paramount to denying ourselves and to deny you is tantamount to capitulating into insanity.


It is not the belief in unicorns and fairies that make one insane, it is the belief that such a thing is impossible that makes us unbelievers. And there lay the true and ingenious deception that got us here in the first place. It is the denial of reason that damns us to repeat it. Reasonable people believe in miracles, have a heart for the fairytale and relinquish control of the absurd to those whose job it is to create it. Just think of your last watched movie like it or not.


But it seems the land of the fairies and the unicorn is under attack and driven to the realm of the unrealistic and the unreal. Poppycock says he. What safer place to be than in the imaginative land of the aforementioned? What better place than to be on the inside track to what makes us better human beings than seeing all this played out against the backdrop of the imagined?


There it is then; the imagined. That such a thing could exist makes this world a bit more bearable than that which we can live without. That this world needs a little imagination speaks volumes of what it is living without. And the living without is what some want to see happen.


Do not let them take it; this insane thing named sanity- let them succumb instead of you. Continue to read and write as you see fit, the fairy-tale, the odd dialogue, and the conversation of the sublime. But never let them see you sweat as in blood and tears you ascribe to the higher order of the fairies, the unicorn, and the three pigs that stole their own homes.

In short you should never, never, give in.





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