Friday, April 12, 2013

Sometimes Travel Requires a Donkey

                                            Sometimes Travel Requires a Donkey


And here we awake in the wee hours of the morning to a cup of tea or a pot of coffee safe in the knowledge that no one yet knows us as we ascribe to the ritual that got us out of bed in the first place. We are, social beings but not yet- not yet. Here it is assumed that this tidbit of time will forever place us on the proper course and help us to dictate how to approach the motions of the new day with grace and poise. It is here, at that moment that we should ask the donkey how he feels about our life. Don’t have a donkey you say. That’s okay; you can buy one for about three fifty-seven on Amazon. Of course it won’t be a real donkey but I guarantee a read that may change your morning ritual if even just a tad so that not only are your senses soothed, but that ever present notion that spurs you to do something more is met as well.


Robert Lewis Stevenson drank coffee from the cup of the same dregs that we all do, tea from a broken pot and smoked a pipe that was adrift in memories nine times ten all the while dreaming of a well known scheme that he eventually put into practice if only to show the rest of us that it could be done. Stevenson drove a donkey into the Italian countryside and found himself in the process. Here it is that his coffee tasted better for one, yes. And yet it was his mornings that for the first time discovered became the pivot of a true and better life and allowed him to become something more than he had become. For once he had become human and in this newfound glory he finally found himself alive. The book is “Stevenson’s travels with a Donkey,” and the better part of his valor is ensconced in the value of the animal with which he chose to travel.


I only suggest that you read the book, not buy a donkey. Italy is but a stones throw by air I know but it is not necessary to wind up on her shores to find the essence of what he did. Still, the reality is as poignant as his need to discover something above and out of ourselves while there is still time. Time to converse without looking for an answer, time to see the form of a person while that person lives and breathes in our world, even a time to love another simply because they are.


Hardly the things of the present moment in which we live and moreover not the things we generally speak of over morning coffee but these things should be spoken nonetheless and at every given moment that time pursues. Should it take a donkey to get us there then that is what we buy as the element of a donkey in the Alps lends itself to a wider vision than what we normally see on the road these days. I’m thinking of truck-wide RV’s the length of a little league field and filled with television, microwaves and showers with or without potty’s. I must admit, as a writer, none of those sound appealing to either myself or the Alps. They and I deserve better, we clamor for the poetic and if either one of us were to take the high road here I believe we would choose the donkey. Robert did it in simpler times and maybe it is up to us to simplify the times. Maybe that donkey can save our lives. Either way, its just a walk in the park.







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