There is something within the human spirit that cannot be determined through words alone. Naturally speaking the next sentence should read along the lines of how actions (add favorite platitude here), somehow change opinions faster than anything heard. How something seen is favorably accepted while the most common everyday use of a certain faculty is ignored. Experience should tell me that this is true and authority coupled with history and the belief of untold millions really should lead me to believe as well that well, I should act accordingly. But I can't. Because He didn't. Not with Thomas, not with the masses. He just meant what he said, and did what he meant. Without question. In fact, he even berated poor Thomas and blessed those who didn't see but still believed on His word alone until the end of time. Should make us feel confident then in the power of speech, shouldn't it?
But it won't, in fact it can't. Last time I checked, I fell short of divinity and have had to accept my humanity, all of it. Even the bad stuff. But that doesn't mean I cut off my tongue to spite my mouth. It just means I grow everyday in the knowledge that I can only be as human as my humanity allows. And that is the great conversation, the wonderful dialog that can never be discouraged, for as long as I live I do still know that I will never know just how deep my humanity runs. And if I shut my mouth for just one minute, I will never know which actions I choose may bring about the necessary response between my spirit and my flesh to one day understand why I was born, what I must do and the reason this must be. Simply speaking; I must.